Jasna Lake-Kranjska Gora
Jasna Lake-Kranjska Gora
A family trip from the center of Kranjska Gora to the Jasna Lake is definitely the right choice if you want to spend your day in nature, surrounded by beautiful mountains and crystal-clear water.
Jezersko Valley
Jezersko Valley
Jezersko is a green valley surrounded by a wreath of the Savinja Alps, which were created in a lively earthly movement sixty million years ago. Discover a beautiful hiking trail in the village of Zgornje Jezersko together with your children. Beautiful nature, fresh air and good food are all the reasons why we often come here.
Kabinet izumitelja Janeza Puharja-Kranj
Kabinet izumitelja Janeza Puharja-Kranj
Vstopite v čas izumitelja Janeza Puharja, skrivnostni svet iluzij, ugank, fotografije in »selfija.« V kabinetu poleg ogleda muzejske sobe, sobe iluzij in fotografskega ateljeja 19. stoletja nudimo pester izbor kulturnih doživetij.
Kamen Castle, Begunje na Gorenjskem
Kamen Castle, Begunje na Gorenjskem
The Kamen Castle is a famous site in the village of Begunje. It is mentioned in Valvasor’s book the Glory of the Duchy of Carniola. Here, families can immerse themselves into the old times of knights and princesses.
Kamen vrh
Kamen vrh
Kekec Land
Kekec Land
Keeeeeeekeeeeeeec!.....Keeeeeeeekeeeeeeeec!.....Who is Kekec you may ask. Kekec is a brave boy, a fearless shepherd from the highlands of his home region, Kranjska Gora and Julian Alps. He is a good person who is fighting an evil wild hunter from the mountains (Bedanec) and an evil herbalist woman from the mountains who steals children (Pehta).
Klevevž Natural Spa
Klevevž Natural Spa
The Klevevž Natural Spa is one of the most interesting family trip locations that you must visit ASAP! It is situated in the Lower Carniola region, right next to the village of Grič.
Klivnik Lake-Tominje near Ilirska Bistrica
Klivnik Lake-Tominje near Ilirska Bistrica
When we first saw the photos of Klivnik Lake, we immediately went hunting for information on its location. The lake is a perfect location for a family trip that will not disappoint.
Kluže Fort and Hermann Fort
Kluže Fort and Hermann Fort
The Kluže Fort is one of the most visited cultural sites in the area and represents an important monument to the defense against enemy invasion. Take a walk from here to the Hermann Fort. It was built to support the Kluže Fort, but was severely damaged by Italian shelling at the beginning of WWI.
Kočevje Lake
Kočevje Lake
The Kočevje Lake is one of the cleanest lakes in Slovenia and offers many options to relax your body and soul. The artificial lake was formed between 1973 and 1978. Initially there were two large ponds at the bottom of the opencast mining pit of the Kočevje brown coal mine.
Kokoš Hill
Kokoš Hill
The Kokoš Hill (Hen Hill) is a 663-meter (2,175-feet) high ridge in the southeast of the Trieste-Komen Plateau on the Slovenian-Italian border that is interspersed with beautifully landscaped paths. It is easily accessible and has undemanding terrain as well as beautiful views.
kolesarska pot Kamnik- Mengeš- Trzin- Ljubljana
kolesarska pot Kamnik- Mengeš- Trzin- Ljubljana
Mesto Kamnik je resnično kolesarski raj saj imajo v karti vrisanih vsaj 12 poti, ki so si različne glede na dolžino in stopnjo vzpona. Kamnik je mesto v objemu Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp, celoletna aktivna alpska well-being destinacija s prvobitnim alpskim karakterjem, obdana z zelenilom gozda in svežino reke Kamniška Bistrica.
Kolesarska pot ob Kamniški Bistrici
Kolesarska pot ob Kamniški Bistrici
Ob reki Kamniški Bistrici vodi kolesarska in peš pot od Kamnika do Domžal. Primerna je za vse generacije in zato se po njej lahko podate tudi z najmlajšimi. Na več točkah so prisotna tudi igrala in klopce, na katerih se utrujeni lahko spočijete v senci. Pot vodi tudi mimo Arboretuma Volčji Potok, kjer se lahko ustavite in se sprehodite po največjem slovenskem botaničnem parku.
Komenda Mountain Hut
Komenda Mountain Hut
The mountain hut is located on the outskirts of Komenda, below the Šenturška gora Mountain, on a small hill surrounded by trees. This is a real mountain paradise, as it is accessible to all who like to walk in the mountains and those who prefer to drive up with their car.
Konjice Castle-Slovenske Konjice
Konjice Castle-Slovenske Konjice
We often look for locations easy enough for our two-year-old child to walk by herself. A trip to the Konjice Castle is a great occasion for basking in the afternoon sun and seeing the town of Slovenske Konjice from another perspective.
Koper-Izola Coastal Road
Koper-Izola Coastal Road
We have very good news for the Istra locals and other roadtrippers. The 1837 coastal road (also known as “Riva Lunga”) between the cities of Koper and Izola has been closed to traffic.
Kotel Waterfall
Kotel Waterfall
Not many people know about the Kotel Waterfall. The hiking trail is not marked, but the view is amazing. Come and see it after heavy rain, when the water hums loudly over the cliff.
Kozjak Waterfall
Kozjak Waterfall
Above the emerald green Soča River not far from the town of Kobarid stands the Kozjak Stream gorge, where the 15-metre-high Kozjak Waterfall is located. The nice walking path has several small wooden bridges and ends with a terrace that has a mystical view of the rocky amphitheatre enclosing a white beam of water.
Kranj Circular Trail by the Kokra River
Kranj Circular Trail by the Kokra River
The old town of Kranj, the capital of the Gorenjska region, sits on a terrace above the 30-metre (98 feet) deep Kokra Canyon, which was formed by the Kokra River carving its way into the conglomerate terrace dating back to the Ice Age. Few people know that you can actually hide from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a pleasant oasis of trees in the Kokra River Canyon as well as look at the city of Kranj from a completely different perspective.
Kranjska Gora-Zelenci Nature Reserve
Kranjska Gora-Zelenci Nature Reserve
The Zelenci Nature Reserve lies just behind the village of Podkoren on the south side of the main road. This time we explored this beautiful area of Gorenjska by bike, and you can take this trip by baby stroller or on foot.
Krašnji vrh Village
Krašnji vrh Village
Bela Krajina (White Carniola statistical region) has many hidden gems in its area. It is therefore great if you are acquainted with some of the local people, because they know better than anyone how to get around the place they live. They can show you trip locations that are not known among tourists.
Krčnik Gorge
Krčnik Gorge
This natural monument is a 5-meter (16 feet) long and slightly over a meter (3 feet) thick stone bridge, smoothly polished by the water, looming above the Kožbanjšček Stream on top of a gorge. The Kožbanjšček Stream carved three pools into the streambed during the process of overcoming a 10-meter (32-feet) cliff.
Kriška gora Mountain-Tržič
Kriška gora Mountain-Tržič
Tržič has many different hiking trails in its surroundings. Thus, the meadows, valleys, forests and peaks are much more beautiful when experienced in peace and without crowds. The Kriška gora Mountain is a popular trip destination, which has a beautiful view and neven a giant swing!
Križna Gora Hill, Škofja Loka
Križna Gora Hill, Škofja Loka
The town of Škofja Loka enchants every visitor with its medieval setting. Near its center stands the popular Križna Gora Hill, which can be a nice family trip, if you are willing to put in a little effort for a beautiful view. You reach the destination in no time because you can drive to the hilltop and take a short 20-minute walk from the inn to the nearby St. Cross Church.