Limbarska gora Hill 226

Limbarska gora Hill

Region Central Slovenia Statistical region
Starting point Parking lot
Route length 2.5 km (1.55 miles)
route duration 1-1,5 h
Start Point altitude 544 m (1785 feet)
End Point Altitude 774 m (2539 feet)
Best time to visit summer, spring, autumn
Appropriate for Baby Carriers , 3-6 years of age , 6+ years of age
Level of difficulty Moderately demanding route

Route Description

The Limbarska gora Hill is a beautiful vantage point in Central Slovenia and the most popular hiking destination in the Moravška dolina Valley and the surrounding area. It is only 30 km (18 miles) away from Ljubljana. In order to get to the starting point, enter the following address into your navigation: “Serjuče, Moravče”. There is no marked parking by the mountain, so you have to squeeze the car by the roadside in order to park it. Walk through the village of Serjuče and turn onto a forest path. The ascent is gentle and our 2.5-year old toddler was able to toddle along all by herself. At the top, the St. Valentine Church stands in all its might. This trail is a part of the St. Martin Pilgrimage Route. The panoramic view that meets you at the finish line is breathtaking. Your hungry tummy will not stay empty in the care of the Gostišče Urankar Inn staff.

For all the hungry historians, here is a fact: the builder Gregor Maček designed the famous baroque church of St. Valentine in 1735. This mighty creation has a freestanding bell tower that once served as a defensive lookout.

Interesting Facts

The Moravška dolina Valley is near the Geometric Center of Slovenia (GEOSS). Check it out!



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Limbarska gora
Start point coordinates 46,159406

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Ljubljana Airport

Nearby Restaurants

Right next to the church, you will find the Gostišče Urankar Inn,

Which fills every hungry tummy with their delicious food. From the hilltop, there is a beautiful view of the valley.

Limbarska gora 16

1251 Moravče

(051) 80 66 08

Mila and Staš Recommend

The town of Vače is known as one of the most important and richest sites of prehistoric Iron Age culture in Slovenia. Among the finds, the most famous is the Vače situla, which was found in 1882 by a farmer named Janez Grilc. An enlarged model of the situla can be seen in the Klenik Village, and the original is stored in the National Museum of Slovenia. The work of art probably dates back to the turn of the 6th to 5th century BC.

Near the town of Vače, in the village of Slivna, is where the geometric center of Slovenia (GEOSS) is located.