The Rupnik Line-Zaplana 4451

The Rupnik Line-Zaplana

Region Central Slovenia Statistical region
Starting point Gostišče Mesec Inn in the village of Zaplana
Route length 3.5 km (2.3 miles)
route duration 2 h
Best time to visit spring, summer, early autumn
Appropriate for Baby Carriers , 1-3 years of age , 3-6 years of age , 6+ years of age
Level of difficulty Easy forest trail


Route Description

Did you ever feel like you started a road trip completely spontaneously? We headed to a completely different part of Slovenia, but the rapid change of weather turned us in another direction. The Rupnik line bunkers can be found in the village of Zaplana, the Poljanska dolina Valley and on the Blegoš Hill.

The Rupnik Line was built in the village of Zaplana before the Second World War. The Kingdom of Yugoslavia expected to be attacked by Italy and began to build a system of fortifications in western Slovenia. The line was named after the Yugoslav General of Slovenian descent, Leon Rupnik. European countries, still under the strong impression of torturous fighting in WWI mud trenches, wanted to secure their territory with mighty fortifications of iron and concrete. Thus began the formation of the famous French Maginot line and the opposite German Siegfried line, as well as the lesser-known Swiss, Greek line and the Italian Vallo Alpino or. Alpine wall on the opposite side from the Rupnik line. The forts along the entire line never served their purpose.

So much for the history of its creation. This thematic trail is circular and about 3 kilometres (1.15 miles) long. The start is at the Gostišče Mesec inn, where you can leave your car. However, this inn has a playground, which may distract the children from the hike. You can promise your kids that they can play at two different playgrounds at the end of the trip - in the village of Zaplana and then at the restaurant. First, you need to climb 120 meters (393 meters) of altitude, which is not that hard as very interesting information boards and benches occupy you. If you need some reinvigoration, find the 5 energy points located in the vicinity and take some time for yourself. You can enter the bunkers at your own risk and see what they look like from the inside.


Interesting Facts

There are many legends in Slovenia about dragons. They caused inconvenience to people, such as earthquakes and floods, so they were often killed. The winged creature that vomited fire was not only scary, but also greedy and violent. Dragon offspring are considered to be fiery animals born of fire, but at the same time they are sensitive and gentle animals that usually hide from strong light; hidden to many eyes.

The spirit of dragons still lives on in the village of Zaplana today and you can see the so-called “dragon cubs” (human fish) in a nearby ancient spring.



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Tematska pot ob Rupnikovi liniji-Zaplana
Start point coordinates 45,95336

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Ljubljana Airport

Nearby Restaurants

Hotel Mantova

This restaurant is a popular eating-place in this area. The staff works hard to make the dishes interesting and delicious not just for adults, but for children as well. In summer, you can taste their refreshing ice cream and the kids can play with toys in the garden. This restaurant is the perfect resting stop after a tiring adventure.

Cankarjev trg 6
1360 Vrhnika
+386 1 755 75 24

Mila and Staš Recommend

Exploring the bunkers was very interesting. We always take a flashlight with us, and I recommend you do the same. The bunkers are dark and without some light, you will not be able to see anything. However, you have to be very careful since rusty nails hang out of the walls and you do not want to have a close encounter with them, don’t you?

Exploring the bunkers was very interesting. We always take a flashlight with us, and I recommend you do the same. The bunkers are dark and without some light, you will not be able to see anything. However, you have to be very careful since rusty nails hang out of the walls and you do not want to have a close encounter with them, don’t you?