Bloško jezero Lake
Bloško jezero Lake
The Bloško jezero Lake (or Bloke Lake) is one of the most popular destinations for family trips! Cyclists, walkers and hikers love to come here to engage in sporting activities. In winter, many ice skaters come here and glide on the lake’s frozen surface. In summer, the warm and fresh water attracts countless avid swimmers.
Cerknica Lake
Cerknica Lake
The phenomenon of intermittent (disappearing) Cerknica Lake has become famous worldwide as an area where cattle can graze, farmers can plow fields, catch fish and drive boats in the same place. When the lake is full, it is the largest lake in Slovenia, but then it dries up and reveals its extensive farming land.
Klivnik Lake-Tominje near Ilirska Bistrica
Klivnik Lake-Tominje near Ilirska Bistrica
When we first saw the photos of Klivnik Lake, we immediately went hunting for information on its location. The lake is a perfect location for a family trip that will not disappoint.
Kotel Waterfall
Kotel Waterfall
Not many people know about the Kotel Waterfall. The hiking trail is not marked, but the view is amazing. Come and see it after heavy rain, when the water hums loudly over the cliff.
Notranjska Museum Postojna
Notranjska Museum Postojna
The Notranjska Museum Postojna houses skeletons of many Ice Age animals. Our family loves to learn everything there is to know about the mysterious past and that is why we visited the Notranjska Museum in Postojna. We highly recommend this location!
Park of Military History - Pivka
Park of Military History - Pivka
The Pivka Military History Park is truly a very well kept museum and impresses everyone who comes there. It is a fast-growing center, which with its diverse collection of exhibits offers visitors an interesting insight into national history. In addition to the perfectly restored tanks and helicopters, they even have a submarine.
Petelinje Lake-Pivka
Petelinje Lake-Pivka
Petelinje Lake is an intermittent lake in the Pivka Basin, located northeast of Slovenska vas Village in the direction of the village of Trnje or the Holy Trinity Church.
Primož- Pivka
Primož- Pivka
Primož se nahaja na nadmorski višini 718 m v osrčju Goriškega, Notranjskega in Snežniškega hribovja. Do vrha boste potrebovali slabe pol urce in pri tem premagali nekje 150 metrov nadmorske višine.
Snežnik Castle
Snežnik Castle
Snežnik Castle is a beautifully preserved landmark, which can be visited even in bad weather. It is a very interesting sight for children who can then imagine how the lords and ladies used to live.
Sveta trojica- Pivka
Sveta trojica- Pivka
Sveta Trojica je razgleden vrh, ki je visok kar 1.106m. Leži vzhodno od Pivke, če pa smo pozorni, lahko cerkvico na golem vrhu opazimo že od daleč. Že v 17. stoletju naj bi stala tam, vendar je kasneje propadla. Pred kratkim so jo ponovno pozidali in lahko nudi tudi zavetje pred vetrom, okrog pa so razporejene klopi. Tu naokrog naj bi se po legendi potikal tudi Martin Krpan.
Šilentabor predstavlja najvišji vrh (751 m) grebena na jugozahodni strani Pivške kotline, ki deli Zgornjo Pivko od doline Reke in od Brkinov. Lepo število najdb iz prazgodovine priča o tem, da sta na Taborskem grebenu stali dve gradišči: Šilentabor in Gradišče.