Kabinet izumitelja Janeza Puharja-Kranj 9307

Kabinet izumitelja Janeza Puharja-Kranj

Region Upper Carniola Statistical Region
Starting point parkirišče pri Čebelici
Route length 0,5km
route duration 1h
Best time to visit vsi letni časi
Appropriate for Baby Strollers , Baby Carriers , 1-3 years of age , 3-6 years of age , 6+ years of age
Level of difficulty nezahtevna pot

Opis poti


Vstopite v čas izumitelja Janeza Puharja, skrivnostni svet iluzij, ugank, fotografije in »selfija.« V kabinetu poleg ogleda muzejske sobe, sobe iluzij in fotografskega ateljeja 19. stoletja nudijo pester izbor kulturnih doživetij. 

Prvi slovenski fotograf Janez Puhar je v kulturni četrti Kranja dobil svojo spominsko hišo. Hiša vabi obiskovalce vseh generacij k spoznavanju skrivnosti in življenja zanimivega izumitelja. V hiši je muzejska soba, ki opisuje Puharjevo življenje in postopek fotografiranja na steklo, soba gibljivih slik in iluzij, fotografski atelje 19. stoletja, kjer se lahko oblečete v nošo tistega časa in domov odnesete fotografski portret svoje družine ali prijateljev na steklu. V kabinetu Janez Puharja nudijo strokovne vodene oglede za skupine, različna doživetja za obiskovalce vseh starosti, izobraževanja za otroke, t.i. teambuildinge in rojstne dneve. V hiši se nahaja tudi manjša spominska trgovinica v kateri lahko kupite različne spominke na steklu.

Obiskovalcem je ob predhodni najavi na voljo tudi zanimiva Soba pobega Skrivni laboratorij, ki se odvija kar v muzeju. Za obisk Kabineta je potrebna predhodna najava na +386 31 379 237 ali info@timetravel.si.

Več informacij o Kabinetu izumitelja Janeza Puharja najedete TUKAJ in pa v TIC Kranj.

Vsi ljubitelji fotografije pa se lahko po navdih in čudovito panoramsko fotografijo povzpnete visoko nad mesto, na zvonik cerkve Sv. Kancijana. Tik ob cerkvi Sv. Kancijana se nahaja tudi kostnica, ki jo lahko obiščerte ob predhodni najavi v Gorenjskem muzeju. 

Vsem družinam z mlajšimi otroki pa še namig;) Sprehodite se še do konca mesta na razgledno točko, kjer se nahaja tudi Stolp Pungert, kjer najdete otroška igrala. V popoldanskem času je prav stolp Pungert tudi večkrat mesto otroških delavnic. Več o dogodkih v Stolpu Pungert si lahko preberete TUKAJ.

TIC Kranj – Kranjska hiša 
Glavni trg 2, 4000 Kranj
Odprto: ponedeljek – nedelja: 9.00 – 18.00
Kontakt: 00 386 4 238 04 50
Facebook: @visitkranj
Instagam: @visitkranj

Interesting Facts

Did you know that secret tunnels are hidden under the historic town centre? They were built during WWII and were first used as shelters for the population of Kranj. The tunnels through the conglomerate rock stretch across 1,300 metres (1,421 yards). They were made by men, but the climate there is similar to natural caves, so there are dripstones and rare animals like cave crickets and cave orbweavers. Inside a tunnel, you can look at an exhibition on the history of the underground of Kranj and its builders, Josip Slavec and Josip Dedek. There is also an exhibition of minerals and fossils and a reconstruction of a WWII shelter where you can witness a simulation of an airstrike. Regular guided tours through the Tunnels under the old town of Kranj: Tuesdays and Fridays at 17.00; Saturdays and Sundays at 10.00.

Price list: 3 € / person and 2.5 € / person for children under 14 and pensioners (VAT is included). In light of the current situation, we would like to ask you to register in advance by e-mail to info@visitkranj.si or by telephone on 00 386 4 238 04 50 and do so at least 2 days before the desired date of the tour. The tickets for the tour can be purchased at Kranjska hiša, located at Glavni trg 2, which is also our meeting point.



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Kabinet izumitelja Janeza Puharja
Start point coordinates 46,2384673

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Nearby Restaurants

Kavarna Carniola

You can find this café opposite the Kranj Library. Carniola is a real gathering place for young families, where parents can drink coffee in peace while the children have fun on the wooden playground in the fenced summer garden. The friendly staff, an idyllic location, the playground, a wide range of pastry and, of course, top-quality coffee make this café an ideal chillout spot. All well-behaved doggos that get their own bowl of water. We highly recommend this place!

Gregorčičeva ulica 2
4000 Kranj

04  202 51 56

Vita, Olja and Juna Recommend

Walk over to Pungert and take a few minutes for a challenge. Here is a tip: you will need courage to step on the see-through glass platform that has a beautiful view of Kranj. Children will be thrilled by the city’s wooden playground, which happens to be next to the viewing platform.

Go on, be brave ;).