Cooking Up a Storm-eBook-PDF

  • Koda 1256847464
  • EAN

Rock the kitchen while preparing 21 delicious dishes! Follow the recipes and with the help of photos, prepare delicious breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks all by yourself, without the help of your parents.

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Cooking equals fun. And what is more entertaining than turning your kitchen into a play area? On one hand, you need to follow recipe steps closely, and on the other hand, you can constantly play with different flavours and textures. Cooking activities are also packed with opportunities to learn while playing.

Children are inherently curious, so why not teach them basic culinary skills? Not only do they have fun in the process, but they also acquire new skills which come in handy for years to come. Not to mention that they get to eat what they make!

These types of activities spontaneously develop 4 sets of skills. Children strengthen their motor skills and communication skills, especially when cooking together with other people. The kitchen is an ideal training ground where children can strengthen their ability to solve problems and learn to improvise. Since it's the children that need to put together a shopping list, get the ingredients they need and then prepare the dish according to instructions, their organisational skills also develop.

To all the parents that are already worrying about the cuts and bruises, as well as mountains of dirty dishes – do not fret! Put your unease away into the deepest kitchen drawer and shut it tight. Let your little chefs whip up some magic and surprise you.